light spice with no fuck ups.

simply salty ideas, thoughts, and art to take over your blank life...
                                     need help? 

excuses to live.

  • photographer
  • cook
  • part-time girlfriend
  • thought enthusiast
  • dancer
  • make-up artist
  • (art credit:

Friday, September 12, 2008

dress your life up

I go to class in sweats, sometimes. Philosophy 7-9pm was another story: senior girl at LMU had to take it to another level. Amidst all the preppy, eclectic, artsy, hippie, athletic, and ghetto kids at LMU, I don't mind the stylistic diversity that roams around me. But let me tell you, this bitch, no this bitch decided to stumble into class approx 14 minutes late, in straight up boxers, this dirty hoody she wears every time with her hood still on, house slippers, coffee in her hand, and a ripped piece of notebook paper brought especially for notes. She then just has to make it more awkward when she cuts off the teacher by raising her hand and blurting out, "Is that gonna be on the test?" Like dub tee eff! She just another person that takes the phrase "I don't give a fuck to a whole other level". And honestly, I bum it A LOT of times... but I never let it bring down my life. So its not about wearing that one of a kind dress from Italy, glidding around campus in your Christian Louboutins, or swinging around your LV oversized tote..... it's about still caring about your life, and living through your attitude. Which means: we can bum it when we oversleep, pass on the make-up on lazy sundays, and definitely forget the primping on finals week, but dress up once in a while, so you can remember to pamper yourself  because you deserve it, because you're still alive and still care about who you are and because you know that you're the baddest bitch.
Not for them. For YOU.

1 comment:

mariwanna said...

aww you ended it so cute!