light spice with no fuck ups.

simply salty ideas, thoughts, and art to take over your blank life...
                                     need help? 

excuses to live.

  • photographer
  • cook
  • part-time girlfriend
  • thought enthusiast
  • dancer
  • make-up artist
  • (art credit:

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Higher Thought

Get excited, get bored, drink, have a heart-to-heart, and had a joint. You would think people who are under the influence stop being their selves and all of a sudden become irrational, but truth is there's more freedom; freedom to think, act, and do.

Yesterday we celebrated my cousins birthday for the second day in a row and held a nice "kick back" at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood. Had a fun time with laughs, shots, and weed, but I started to think about the so called, "crazy things" I say when im high: First off I finally remembered this guy's name after meeting him about four times (Mr. Joey Las Pinas P.T.H.), who ended up being a pretty cool person. The first 5 minutes of convo were pretty normal, but let the weed sink all the way in and turn and all I could think about were ghosts, slanging drugs, getting people and "floors" to be nice to you, how to scratch bug bites, and someone named Francine talking to someone in Hong Kong. And as ridiculous as it sounds, I wouldn't be happier than doing anything else. So opposed to being under the influence, I saw it more as "being released". yay kush.

                                                                    life's good. smile. and get high.

Friday, June 27, 2008

birthday cakes

ii love biirthdays. It giives me an excuse to be a spoiIled biitch for about 24 hours. Oh and another thiing: biirthdays come with biirthday cakes (yay diiabetes) and an excuse to go all out. So my questiion is this: are biirthdays a CELEBRATION for your famiily and friiends to celebrate the day you were given a fate to die, to eat, siing, and driink to another year closer to your end? or an EXCUSE to do everythiing to the fullest for 24 hours to celebrate your possiibiiliity to stiill be on thiis earth? If we do deciide our biirthdays to be EXCUSES to liive liife out, shouldn't everyday be a biirthday? 

                                                                               get out. party. eat cake
                                                                               happy biirthday cousin !

Thursday, June 26, 2008

facebook is crack

write on my wall.......

                                                                     everyone's doing it.

facebook stalkers: stop creeping.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


ICE PAN is my new crack. ICE PAN currently located in west hollywood and redondo beach, is the new hot place to get the cold stuff. They have green tea, yogurt, coffee, mango, banana, strawberry, and chocolate flavors. You pick your milk from soy, whole, low fat, and FAT FREE ! gotta love it for the skinny girls. Amazing combinations: Green Tea Ice Cream made with Soy Milk and coconut and chocolate chip toppings, Mango Ice Cream made with Low Fat Milk and raspberry and marshmallow toppings.

Today's Overcast

It's been over a hundred degrees for about a week or so, but lovely hump day decides to go over cast. I start off the day with a bad trip to the dentist, getting dropped from a class, countless arguments, and every reason to start questioning the quality of my relationships in life. I turned emo. Then I look out the window and let the whole day play and replay through my mind. It wasn't the worst day of my life, and it's only like 6pm, so there's a whole lot more time to make things better. I mean life can't stay sweet or else we'll never really know what sweet is. So when you think all has gone bad, let the overcast shine you a new white light.......

song: “runaway”

why do we always have something to runaway to? our work, our home, music, significant others? why can't we stand our own lives? what's the point of dreaming, hoping, and fantasizing, if we never have the intention to leave our bullshit lives and do what we want to do? eat, sleep, drink, sex, party, work, rest die. WE boast our freedom, but is it really ours if we've never touched it.....