Get excited, get bored, drink, have a heart-to-heart, and had a joint. You would think people who are under the influence stop being their selves and all of a sudden become irrational, but truth is there's more freedom; freedom to think, act, and do.
Yesterday we celebrated my cousins birthday for the second day in a row and held a nice "kick back" at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood. Had a fun time with laughs, shots, and weed, but I started to think about the so called, "crazy things" I say when im high: First off I finally remembered this guy's name after meeting him about four times (Mr. Joey Las Pinas P.T.H.), who ended up being a pretty cool person. The first 5 minutes of convo were pretty normal, but let the weed sink all the way in and turn and all I could think about were ghosts, slanging drugs, getting people and "floors" to be nice to you, how to scratch bug bites, and someone named Francine talking to someone in Hong Kong. And as ridiculous as it sounds, I wouldn't be happier than doing anything else. So opposed to being under the influence, I saw it more as "being released". yay kush.
life's good. smile. and get high.